
I remember creating my beloved ex-blog years ago because I wanted to lose the weight I gained over the holidays (I remember fondly calling the excess lbs. "Holiday Fats" which could be a great name for a band, if you think about it). Being the modern woman that I was (and still am!), I took advantage of internet. I simply could have exercised and observed my caloric intake quietly, but noooo...

At this day and age, why should you do things in private when you can over share? Don't achievements feel somewhat empty when you can't broadcast them? The fact that pretty much everyone around you doesn't care in the slightest matters not.  Compliments are a powerful motivator, sincere or fake. Most of us desire to be liked after all. It's human nature. And humans, like most life-forms, will eventually deteriorate and die (well that escalated quickly). But I digress.

That said blog has long been nuked from the face of the interwebz, but it was fun while it lasted.

And now here I am. Again. I would like to give blogging another shot because I want to troll to post my OOTDs (Outfit of the Day, in case you are living under a rock). I didn't buy all these clothes for nothing. It would be a shame if I didn't curate photos of them.

Also, I need a valid reason to wear pants.

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